
Soclima Visit Carrier Factory in Montluel

Factory tour Carrier in Montluel – France, anticipate the presentation of new products and broadening the range of equipment distributed by Soclima.

Soclima attended this week one of the largest manufacturing units and the Carrier development. In Montluel Carrier has 32,000 m2 of factory and 4,000 m2 laboratory, offering 11 rooms for rehearsals, including a dedicated test terminal units and 3 units for refrigeration plant tests. The ambient temperature range in test cells can be controlled between -25 to 55 ° C.

A permanent team of 21 engineers and technicians to focus on three main activities: research and development, performance testing and specialized manufacturing.

Montluel is the world center for the development of refrigerated equipment to air and chilled water, the range of chillers to 50Hz.

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Soclima Supports Orphanage “Criança Santa Isabel”

Soclima in the framework of its social responsibility policy, supported, in collaboration with the Casais Group, the restructuring of the Child Orphanage Santa Isabel in Viana.

In order to this orphanage’s children are able to take a day-to-day life more convenient and comfortable, this restructuring covered the bedrooms, bathrooms, dining and leisure space.  Soclima is proud to have been part of this project, through the donation of air conditioners .

We are concerned and committed to build a more just and prosperous society. Contributing to improve the conditions of this orphanage, it is to contribute to a more promising future for these children.

Soclima aims to continue to participate in such projects, demonstrating the commitment to society through social responsibility policy.

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New Equipments Samsung

In late October, Soclima been SAMSUNG AC FORUM 2015 in Seoul, South Korea. Samsung introduced four new products that stand out for their innovative design, more compact formats and energy efficiency.

It was they, 360 ​​Cassette, DVM Chiller, DVM S 30HP and DVM S Eco 14 HP. Assuming a circular innovative format, 360 Cassette want to mark “a new era in air conditioning market.”
In the segment of the VRF, the novelty was the DVM S 30HP, extendable to four modules (120 HP). In addition to power, the system is distinguished by the compact format, releasing up to 40% in the roof space.

The thinking in the residential sector of luxury and small businesses, Samsung developed the DVM S Eco, available with 10, 12 and 14 HP. The new model, more compact and with greater capacity, calls attention to the efficiency, promising better performance than its competitors (+ 16% for cooling, heating + 30%).

Last but not least, the DVM Chiller is in response to strong demand for HVAC systems water that comply with European rules for the F-gases. For this, Samsung significantly reduced refrigerant levels compared to a conventional chiller, with this equipment already meets the requirements for 2018. In addition to the high energy performance (ESEER 5.7), the new chiller Samsung promises to be easy installation and maintenance.

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