
Posts by Soclima

BAI Tower

Torre BAI – Soclima DataCenter Solutions

Soclima Data Center Solutions is a close control system that controls the temperature in DataCenter environments. We are representatives of Stulz in Angola and offer our customers a full range of products to manage climatic conditions in Data Centers, including cooling and heating, lighting and security.


Client : BAI Tower

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31 Years at your service!

The year 2022 has a special meaning for our company. It’s the year we celebrate our 31st anniversary.

This event means the celebration of our commitment to our employees, suppliers, the market and, above all, it is an increased responsibility towards our customers. It also means the commitment to continue our mission and practice the values ​​and principles that give meaning to our existence as a company.

At its creation, in September 1991, Soclima presented itself as a company defying the socio-economic difficulties of the time, looking for its own space in the areas of commerce and installation of ventilation and air conditioning equipment.

Today, 31 years later, in addition to being a company committed to excellence, it has become a reference in this sector, with prestigious projects carried out that make it very proud.

Soclima’s success is everyone’s work!
To all those who chose us, thank you!

General manager

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Carrier Anual Distributers & Joint-Ventures meeting.

Under the theme UP HIGHER TOGETHER, Soclima attended Carrier´s anual distributers & joint-ventures meeting. A series of productive meetings, a visit to the Culoz (UTAS) factory  and some team building activities at the La Clusaz ski resort were some of the highlights that defined the event. Carrier Family, UP HIGHER TOGETHER! Carrier 2018

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FJM Training – SAMSUNG 2017

SOCLIMA’s Training Center, welcomes the customer HIDROANGOLA (GRUPO CASAIS) for a Commissioning, Diagnosis and Troubleshooting course on the air conditioning systems of SAMSUNG’s FJM (Multi-Split) range.

The course taught is the first of a series of courses planned for 2017, with HIDROANGOLA being represented by its Engineering and Senior Technicians team.

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DVM Chiller

Samsung has a new, compact chiller, the DVM Chiller, too. It’s an air-cooled chiller combined with VRF too.

The company introduced because of demand for ‘water-source HVAC’, as a result of EU F-Gas level regulations. In response, Samsung made this air-cooled chiller which is more efficient, easy to use and smaller.

The DVM Chiller uses less refrigerant than other chillers, which means it complies with 2015 EU refrigerant quota levels. It will also meet the 35 reduction due in 2018.

Samsung is excited about its ‘revolutionary DVM Chiller’. The unit delivers more than 75 percent of heating capacity at -20 degrees C ambient temperature. Samsung says the chiller can reduce energy costs by between 36 and 50 percent compared to traditional chillers.

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New VRF SMMSe Toshiba

Efficiency, Evolution, Excellence, Expansion and experience, are the words that define the new VRF system SMMSe Toshiba.

The perfect balance between power and control, now with modules up to 22 HP – 64 kW and combinations up to 60 HP – 168 kW.

The characteristics of the new outdoor units, we highlight the compressor with innovative technology, intelligent control of refrigerant volume, optimization for heating and cooling, maximizing efficiency through precise control, easy configuration and possibility through smart phone, new design of fan blades, flexible system to 1000m long and 40m high, leak detection sensor and new systems simulation software “AIRS”.

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Soclima Supports Orphanage “Criança Santa Isabel”

Soclima in the framework of its social responsibility policy, supported, in collaboration with the Casais Group, the restructuring of the Child Orphanage Santa Isabel in Viana.

In order to this orphanage’s children are able to take a day-to-day life more convenient and comfortable, this restructuring covered the bedrooms, bathrooms, dining and leisure space.  Soclima is proud to have been part of this project, through the donation of air conditioners .

We are concerned and committed to build a more just and prosperous society. Contributing to improve the conditions of this orphanage, it is to contribute to a more promising future for these children.

Soclima aims to continue to participate in such projects, demonstrating the commitment to society through social responsibility policy.

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